Monday 2 February 2015

Create your own custom desktop :)

How to create your own custom desktop background super easily!
I really wanted to incorporate all of my favourite pictures, but having a slideshow background annoys the crap out of me.......... i don't know why haha..... but this is my (non annoying) alternative!

1. First of all gather your images, i just happen to have alot alot alot of my favourite pictures on my pinterest sooo...

2. Save all the images you want into one folder.

3. Insert them all into Publisher and have a play around with layouts and sizes.

4. Arrange them however you want, getting rid of all excess images and leaving you absolute favourites.

5. Go to settings and set as background changing background colour to the same as your collage, i also set mine as tile just so that it would fill up my whole desktop screen.

Tadaaa! It's as easy as that! 

Hope you enjoyed!
Sarah xoxo

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